Unsere mütter unsere väter train
Unsere mütter unsere väter train

unsere mütter unsere väter train

They don't use African immigrants as SS officers because African Statists are cheaper than German actors.

#Unsere mütter unsere väter train series

As far as I understand the German uniforms, historical events and German language in the series are correct. I mean that the Polish episode misinforms - the tactics, armbands, languge are wrong. Well, there is a figure of speech in German: "Gut, dass wir darüber gesprochen haben!" ("What a good thing it was that we came to speak about this matter!") NordhornerII ( talk)_The man from Nordhorn 11:28, 20 April 2013 (UTC) It's not only the problem of reputation, which made many Poles wild. You did need this knowledge in order to have a chance to rectify these (formerly secret) accusations. Even if you find thus stories disgusting you might consider it useful after all to (literally) see what a whole lot of Germans have been made believe by the responsible generation ever since. However, this fiction was never meant to be a documentary and it mirrors what many Germans have told their children and grandchildren when they were asked about the war. Moreover, a hasty and superficial reader (or a "sloppy" one, if you like) might accidently get it wrong if you critise the deptiction of Polish partisans as "stereotypical" because here this depiction is worse than all clichés and that is the actual low point. (Although the production was altogether still very expensive.) Also, if we put this under the the section "Production", it certainly ought to be as clear as possible why it has to be mentioned and why it belongs exactly there. From my point of view the production company has just chosen a cheap solution. People might dismiss your critique as biased and you deserve better. Words like "sloppy" are somewhat harsh and sound overly judgmental. Hello, I appreciate your contributions and I intend to support you. Germman movies don't show stereotypical Jews nor Afroamericans nor Turcs, it would be politically incorrect.

unsere mütter unsere väter train

  • Polish people are stereotypical, like frequently in German movies and books, since about 1848 with the peak during the years 1939-1945.
  • Jews in Belarus had such camps ( Bielski partisans) but they didn't fight.

    unsere mütter unsere väter train unsere mütter unsere väter train

    Partizans in ethnic Poland didn't have resources to help so many people.

  • A transport of prizoners contained hundreds people.
  • Any partizans didn't generally stop trains, because Germans defended railways.
  • AK partizans weren't active in ethnic Poland in 1943, because of German genocidal reprisals, see Operation Wieniec.
  • They wore them in 1944 during the Warsaw uprising.
  • AK partizans didn't wear AK armbands in the forest in 1943.
  • There was no additional research to prepare the Polish scenes (it's what I called sloppily).
  • 20 Edit Warring by YvelinesFrance, who has repeatedly removed half of the Lead Section.
  • 18 Edits by Maxim Musson, Written for neo-Nazi Website, Violate Wikipedia Policy - they Should be Blocked.
  • 14 Proposed Restructuring of 'Reception' Section.
  • 12 Lead needs to reflect Polish outrage.
  • 11 German Wikipedia has much, much BETTER presentation of 'Criticism' and 'Reception'.
  • 10 Who betrayed Lilja? Chalotte, the doctor or somebody else?.

  • Unsere mütter unsere väter train